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How Joining The Supportive Partners Programme will Elevate Your Organisation & Foster Growth In Your Community?

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By 2025, it is estimated that 85% of European businesses will have adopted cloud, big data, AI, and other advanced digital technologies to remain competitive in the global market. The fourth industrial revolution is not a symposium topic anymore but our business reality. Yet, navigating the complex, rapidly evolving digital landscape can be tough.There is just so much to consider, and so many opportunities and making decisions alone can sometimes be overwhelming. Businesses and organisations supporting them alike, need a reliable source of information to thrive.

After observing and shaping the trends for European digital innovation in the last 30 years, we have decided to create Fundingbox’s Supportive Partner Programme. Our program is a space where organisations can access EU funding, advanced technology, and powerful networks, to support hubs and intermediary organisations in leading the digital uptake by enterprises all across Europe. Through strategic collaborations with European Projects,  Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) and European Digital Innovation Hubs and various technology experts,  you can accelerate innovation and become your local leader passing down the knowledge and vital information about various opportunities to your local business community. Join us today and give yourself and your community a chance to thrive.

Here’s how the Supportive Partner Programme transforms organisations and harnesses the power of EU resources to facilitate growth.

Who are Supportive Partners

What sets our current members of Supportive Partners Program apart is their focus on local impact. They are the intermediary organisations such as DIHs or local innovation agencies that bridge the gap between top-tier European tech and local businesses, ensuring that innovation doesn’t just happen in research labs or corporate headquarters but reaches end-users, the companies, especially SMEs, in all corners of the continent. Our network creates an ecosystem where knowledge, resources, and technology flow seamlessly across borders and sectors, driving sustainable growth at the local level.

How Supportive Partners Programme Accelerate Business Growth

Participating in the Supportive Partner Programme brings numerous advantages not only for the organisations that become the partners but also, for the communities they support and represent, be it within the cluster they lead, startups they incubate or clients they serve as a DIH. 

  1. Access to EU funding

Being a part of the Supportive Partners Programme puts you ahead of the curve when it comes to accessing information about potential EC funding opportunities. Whether it is suitable for you or members of your community, you will be the first to know about funds that can unlock anyone’s potential to innovate and scale faster. 

FundingBox’s 10+ years of experience in orchestrating public-private funding and distributing deep-tech grants makes us a trusted ally for businesses looking to tap into these financial resources.

  1. Free technology testing

Although money is the king, technology will define the future. Participants of our programme are provided with thorough information about all the upcoming opportunities to co-develop or test advanced technologies for free. Through the Test-Before-Invest SMEs from your community can explore advancements in AI, robotics, and more, experimenting with new tools before making a significant investment.

  1. Networking and collaboration

Collaboration is a necessity in today's business environment. The Supportive Partner Programme provides organisations with access to a vast network of other DIHs, EDIHs, and EU projects. This connected ecosystem enables businesses to engage in peer learning, share success stories, and collaborate on projects. But don’t just take our word for it, see what other members have to say about our program or previous activities we have initiated to connect and support the ecosystem. 

“I believe that, for the last years, Fundingbox has catered for the most active ecosystem tailored for DIHs needs. We took great benefit from being part of I4MS, DIH2 and BOWI, from finding prospective partners at EU level, to getting extensive insights on best practices and more advanced DIHs and better training our staff and partners. At a personal level, FundingBox has always offered me a platform to share thoughts, and experiences and look for learning opportunities, irrespective of the project topic. Thank you! Looking forward to many more collaborations!Cristina Baghiu, Digital Innovation Zone EDIH Romania - Hub Coordinator.

  1. Strategic training

Innovation isn’t just about technology; it’s about people. The Supportive Partner Programme offers not only the technology-focused training supporting the uptake of digital technologies but also Train the Trainers courses which help your organisation lead the community. Position yourself as a key contact point for technology access in your community with our support. 

  1. Shaping the future

Our Supportive Partners don’t just follow the trends – they help shape them. By participating in the development of policy recommendations through working groups participation on critical topics like AI and smart manufacturing, partners have a direct hand in influencing the regulatory landscape that will impact their industries.

This proactive engagement means that businesses can align their innovations with the broader goals of Europe’s digital agenda, ensuring that they remain relevant and influential in the long term.

  1. Co-organise an Exclusive Tech-focused Event

Wouldn’t it be great for your community to advance in AI deployment or increase their efficiency by implementing Zero-Waste policies? Joining our Supportive Partners Program gives you a chance to partner up with various EC-projects which have the necessary know-how and are looking for partners to help them spread the word in their network of SMEs and startups. Bring the latest technology and funding opportunities to your community in a dedicated roadshow event where you become a partner with a well-known EC project. Become a co-host of a technology-focused event where we provide you with marketing materials, invite experts in the field and we present various funding opportunities to your community. All you need to do is to make sure to spread the word and usher your members to tap into the knowledge and opportunities we lay down for them.

Supportive Partners as Catalysts for Growth

By fostering collaboration between organisations, empowering SMEs with EU funding, and offering access to the latest technological advancements and exclusive events, the Supportive Partners Programme is a vital tool for your organisations to support your community in a rapidly changing digital world.

So, what are you waiting for? Join the Supportive Partner Programme! Find out more about the membership options here: or shoot us a line: