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Moldova: A Rising Star in the Digital Transformation Galaxy



Nestled amidst rolling hills and vineyards, Moldova is quietly emerging as a powerhouse in the digital transformation landscape. This Eastern European nation, with a population of around 2.6 million, boasts an impressive track record in grasping new technologies.

A glimpse into Moldova's evolving digital scene:

Tech on the rise: The IT sector is one of the fastest-growing segments of the Moldovan economy, doubling its contribution to the country's economy. The country is a hub for software development, with a skilled workforce and competitive rates, attracting international companies to set up shop.

Mobile mania: Moldova enjoys a mobile penetration rate reaching nearly 130%, signifying a population well-versed in using smartphones and tablets. This mobile-first approach creates fertile ground for e-commerce and m-commerce solutions.

Governmental push: Moldova's government is actively promoting digitalisation initiatives. The "Digital Moldova 2020" strategy aims to modernise public services, invest in infrastructure, and create an environment for innovation.

Funding for the future: Recognizing the transformative potential of digital innovation, the European Union offers substantial funding opportunities through programs like the Digital Europe Programme. This is where FundingBox steps in.

FundingBox at Moldova Digital Summit 2024

During the recently concluded Moldova Digital Summit (#MDS2024), a key event in the country's digital transformation journey, FundingBox hosted a well-received workshop titled "Unlocking Digital Transformation in Moldova: Building Successful Digital Innovation Hubs with EU Funding."

Graciela Garrido and Antonio Jose Castro, two FundingBox specialists, held a workshop that explored the idea of European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) and how they may spur growth and innovation. Participants learned a lot about creating these one-stop centres for digital transformation and how to use EU funds as a major motivator.

The workshop wasn't just about theory. It featured inspiring success stories from Lidia and Bianca, who shared their experiences in setting up EDIHs in Romania. These real-world examples provided crucial "dos and don'ts" for the Moldovan participants.

Looking Ahead for Innovative Future

FundingBox remains committed to supporting Moldova's digital aspirations. We encourage those interested in contributing to the establishment of EDIHs to reach out to Antonio Jose Castro ( FundingBox will be announcing a new call for proposals encompassing the Western Balkans and widening economies like Moldova in the near future.

Moldova's digital transformation journey is far from over, and FundingBox is here to be a part of it. Together, let's explore the country’s full digital potential and propel it towards a brighter, more prosperous future.

Want to be a part of this exciting story?

Reach out to Graciela Garrido, our Head of Sales at to explore how FundingBox can fuel your digital transformation initiatives.